Adapt. Survive.
Animated Series
After Effects | Photoshop | Illustrator

Self-initiated Brief:
To create a digital campaign aimed at raising awareness about animal endangerment and our human impact.
Key Insights:
Much of the endangerment faced by animals is caused by humans. This includes overtaking natural habitats, causing ecological damage, or hunting animals for sport. We have significantly influenced the extinction and endangerment of various wild species.
However, we also have the power to make a significant difference! By adapting our cultural behaviours, we can play a crucial role in helping endangered animals survive.
A series of animated GIFs that utilize motion design to illustrate why different animals are endangered, quickly and simply.
This series could be used by animal charities and organizations across social media, the web, and digital ads to raise awareness.
It could also be extended into an animal alphabet of 26 GIFs, which could later be developed into an animal alphabet print, with profits going towards the cause